Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hi to all of my "green buddies!"

Okay...let's face it, there is an organic craze out there and with great reason...IT WORKS! For those of us who want natural holistic healing...this blog is for us. I am so excited to offer the most up-to-date and current organic trends that offer life-giving, life-sustaining advice. So, grab yourself some soothing organic tea (my favorite is Tulsi Chamomile with honey), pull up a chair, settle in for awhile because I have a feeling this will be your favorite go-to place for feeling your optimal best, looking awesome, and doing some incredible things!

Remember...the organic craze isn't just about what you eat, it's about your holistic health...physically, mentally, emotionally, and any other 'ally that affects your well-being.

I am not a doctor, but, I can tell you, I've lived the organic lifestyle for 10 years, I am now in my mid forties and I've never felt better in my life. I don't own a pharmaceutical. There are enough natural remedies to make us and keep us well. My philosophy is that a pharmaceutical should always be a last resort. Does this mean I don't believe in the medical industry?? Absolutely not! If I were in a car accident and needed emergency care...take me to the nearest emergency room. I am saying, however, that we traditionally use way too many medications, with many side effects way too often. I think that's a sure fire way of getting and staying sick.

Anyway, I am going to give my favorite suggestions via this blog and I look forward to hearing from you! I'd like for you to share your experiences with all of us. We are a sickly society...why not take control of your own health and well-being and begin the journey toward natural health? Come on and join me...I know you'll be amazed at how sick you really were when you begin to feel the results of going organic and healing yourself naturally.

I can't wait to take this plunge with you...stay tuned for recipes, detox ideas, exercises for your dosha, menopause remedies, the ultimate super foods, covering your gray hair naturally, spices that heal, supplements every woman should take, natural solutions to better sex, acupuncture, ways to boost your brain power, living green, lacto-fermented foods, and lots more!!

Go ahead and bookmark this blog!! You will not want to miss out on the exciting new you as you begin this journey with me!!



Susan said...

Love it -- always looking for non-pharm ways to stay healthy & well!!

Gini said...

THis is a great idea in become connected with other people looking for ideas and choices to live a healthier lifestyle. Count me in.

I have been in health care since 1952 as a RN. In 1994 I started looking at alternative avenues to health while remaining in the traditional mode and began to educate myself along this journey. Going deeper and farther in the area of alternative and wholistic health, everything seemed to point to four major factors: Faith, Nutrition, Exercise, and Sunshine. It has been an interesting and beneficial path to understanding the body God has created and how we should take care of it. I look forward to continuing the journey with you, for we are healthy by choice not chance.
God bless.

Anonymous said...

Always learning while living. You have been a source of knowledge and inspiration for me in so many ways. In this area as in lots in my life - I am not what I want to be but thank God I am not what I use to be. Press on and pour out.
Love you my sister in love,

Anonymous said...

Just testing this blog site for you, Marisa. Okay, listen to this woman! She does all the research and only wants to help you be healthy. She is a dear friend and one of the most wonderful people I know.

Marisa and Brittany said...

Wow! Thank-you you so much for all of your words of encouragement! I NEED all of you as I muddle through this journey of life...

Stick with me and perhaps we'll grow and learn together!

Love you all!
