Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The 29 Day Challenge!

Happy Tuesday to all of you!

This blog post is very near and dear to my heart, in fact, I have big alligator tears in my eyes as I'm writing to you! I would like for you to watch this very brief (3 minute) video clip and then I would like for you to join me in our own 29 Day Challenge!! Please watch:

This video clip touched my heart deeply and I truly believe God can work in our lives in a mighty, healing way as we take this 29 day journey together.

I would like for us to be accountability partners for the next 29 days. After each day of giving...I'd love for us to share our experiences... let us allow our friends here, on this blog, to share in our excitement! It's very easy to share your comments...merely click on the comment box below a blog post and share away...

I am so excited to see how God works in our lives...I will commit to this for 29 days...won't you please join me?? I will also commit to praying for each of you during these 29 days that God will reveal Himself to each of us in a new and fresh way.

Please let me know if you will be joining me, so I can begin to pray for you right away. Remember, as Cami mentioned in her video, at the beginning, there's no need to give big, extravagant gifts! A small token will go a long way to touch the life of another and your life as well!

I would like to begin our 29 Day Challenge this Saturday (Feb. 20th) and end our challenge on Saturday, March 20th. This will give everyone ample time to have a chance to join us.

If you would like to commit to giving for 29 days with me...simply put "I'm in!" in the comment box below this blog...and I think we're "in" for a miraculous month ahead!!

Can't wait to hear from you!!



Scott said...

Okay, I'm in.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for thinking of me to ask Marisa! I am definitely in!
God bless you & I will pray also.
Becky E

Rhonda said...

Hi Marisa,
Found your blog this morning as I was finishing a budget worksheet for church. A couple things hit me. First of all I was dreading spending all evening at the Finance Board budget meeting tonight. Then I realized this is my "gift" for today. The scripture in Matthew (16:25 NLT)came to me: If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.

So ..... I am in for 290000000 days.
I want to live 2 Tim 4:6 (NLT) "As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God......
Thanks soooo much for the huge reminder!!!!
Love, Rhonda

Susan said...

I love the idea of giving a gift in Jesus' name!! Each day I'll ask the Lord to put someone in my path who needs a gift (or a lift!) and use it as an opportunity to tell them about Jesus' love for them :)

Gini said...

You can count me in on the 29 and beyond gift giving. Yesterday I gave Brittany lunch while she and Matt were here to work on Matt's project with Dad. We had a nice visit that ended with a big hug! ;D

Today I gave a freshly laundered bed to Ashleigh after Dad gave her a bath. She's asleep in it now. We mustn't forget our animal friends and family in our gift giving. Dad filled the bird feeder and deer feed also.

This is a great idea and Dad is joining me for the healing aspect of it all. Thank you for sharing this idea.
Love you, Mom

Good Redefined said...

I'm in Marisa! Can't wait- you already give me so much- can't wait to pass some of it on. Love ya friend!

Anonymous said...

I am SOOO in! :) Thanks!

Faithers said...

That was me above... Had to figure out how to set up an acct. I'M IN! And super excited!

Anonymous said...

I looked over the 29 day site and watched the video. Looks very interesting. The concept is sound and I think it will be a good thing to do.

Donna Helvey said...

Yes, Marisa, count me in. Thank you so very much for the time you have invested in your blog - caring for others!!

Anonymous said...

hi marisa. i am in! i love bringing joy and being helpful to others. i pray daily of how i can be a blessing to others. this will be a cool way to focus for 29 days! thanks!karen

Anonymous said...

Count me in! This will help me to be more conscientious about blessing the people around me. (Does Facebook activity count? ;) Thank you for your prayers! Luv Ya, Rosie