Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Organic Cigarettes?? Hello??
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Project 333
I love a challenge, especially one that encourages me to be a better person. Living with less means there is more to go around. As Gandhi once said, "There's enough to meet everyone's need, but not everyone's greed."
Won't you join me in decluttering our lives to make room for those things that are most important. Sometimes I wonder why I'm frustrated or anxious at times and I'm sure it's a result of too many entanglements. I'm ready to make some changes for the better and start untying those knots that are preventing me from moving forward toward optimal living.
Thank-you for joining me on this journey of health and wholeness!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The Benefits of Lavender
Scientists tested lavender oil and found it to be lethal to a range of skin-pathogenic strains known as dermatophytes, as well as various species of Candida. Dermatophytes cause infections of the skin, hair and nails, and Candida species can cause mucocutaneous candidosis, also known as thrush.
Science Daily reports:
"Currently, there are relatively few types of antifungal drugs to treat infections and those that are available often have side effects ... Essential oils distilled from the Lavandula genus of lavender plants are already used widely, particularly in the food, perfume and cosmetic industries. Studies of the biological activities of these oils suggest Lavandula oils have sedative and antispasmodic properties as well being potent antimicrobials and antioxidants."
Dr. Mercola's Comments: |
Monday, May 23, 2011
Get Fit With Fido
I'm also hearing there are many lonely, unwanted dogs in shelters. It's amazing what a little socialization can do to perk up the spirits of these canines.
Wouldn't it be great to combine the love of running with the desire to make a difference for these homeless animals by taking a shelter dog along for the run? This would give them the much needed exercise they need, as well as expose their sweet, furry selves to people who might be interested in a long-term relationship.
Thankfully, there are people like Alan Ward, who have launched "runner's groups" to do their part in helping these animals find homes and raising money to care for the sick and injured animals at the shelters.
So ...the next time you lace up those running shoes, why not take a furry friend with you, or better yet, why not organize your own "runner's group" to run a Furry 5K?? What a great way to multi-task during your work out by socializing these animals and making them more adoptable!
Go ahead ...get fit with Fido!!
Run the Planet/Get Fit with Fido
Welcome Back!
This last year has been fraught with the pain of losing my dad after a two and a half year battle with esophageal cancer, supporting and encouraging my son with disabilities, as he transitions into adult living, and muddling my way through a spiritual renewal.
Having said that, I have missed my time here! I love that I have a venue to share my heart and passion for organic living. A balanced lifestyle has pulled me through some very difficult seasons.
I'm glad to be back and I look forward to sharing with and learning from you! Thank-you for your patience with me ...may our time together contribute to our wholeness and healing as we live in a broken world.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Becoming More Grounded!

I say kudos to this younger generation for taking notice and recognizing the need to sustain our earth.
There has been a paradigm shift over the last few years and people are becoming more aware of the importance of living “green” not only for our earth’s sake, but for our own personal well-being as well.
We always have room for improvement. I think with growth comes a more developed stance that is more consistent and grounded across the board to which others will take notice and perhaps even follow suit.
For example, if I’m going to be proactive about recycling, but insist on eating conventionally grown foods, I’m not being consistent with my mission to be more eco-friendly and so, I may not appear very grounded in my beliefs to others around me.
Does this mean I’m wrong about my recycling initiatives? NO WAY! It merely means that unless I’m open to continued growth and consistency in the area I’m passionate about, I won’t be nearly as believable and respected in that area to others around me.
I’d like to devote this post to educating myself on ways I can be more eco-friendly. In turn, it is my hope you, my readers, will learn along with me so we can join forces to make our earth…a tremendous gift from God…a better place to live. I do believe God expects us to care for the gifts He so graciously gives to us.
- Eat Organic Foods
Benefits For Me: This is at the top of my list because I have found the benefits to be endless. The chemicals that are keeping fruits and vegetables free from pests and disease cause many health problems, such as nerve damage, birth defects, and cancers. The Environmental Working Group is a tremendous resource for all of us who are eager to learn more about the health benefits of eating organically grown foods.
Fruits and vegetables are not our only concern. The conventional meat we eat is laced with antibiotics and hormones. The animals we typically eat (cows, pigs, chickens...) ingest foods that have added chemicals, along with animal biproducts (keep in mind...these animals are vegetarians and meat should never be a part of their diet).
There is a ban on feeding organic cows, pigs, chickens...animal bi-product!...Thank God!
Much of the beef has been aged to the point of growing mold!!
Grass-fed beef contains far more health benefits than grain-fed beef. Grass-fed, organic beef contains 5 times the number of omega-3 fatty acids as grain-fed beef.
As for poultry, look for the free-range and organic labels. I call them "happy chickens!" Conventional chickens are packed in like sardines, pumped with oodles of toxins, and they "pick" on each other until they get angry...when this happens they peck one another until they bleed, so the farmers chop off their beaks...hence, these are NOT happy chickens. I happen to believe that if everything is energy and we eat negative energy... we become negative and sickly ourselves.
Check out what Dr. Mecola has to say about free-range, organic chickens.
Personally, I believe there are extreme benefits of opting for vegetarian meals several times a week.
Benefits For Our Environment: According to Jodi Helmer of Natural Health Magazine, the chemicals that are sprayed on our foods are released into the soil, water, and air resulting in contamination of waterways, illness, death of birds and aquatic life, and erosion and air pollution.
Keep in mind, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the meat-based food system requires more energy, land, and water resources than the vegetarian diet.
2. Reduce the Toxins
Benefits for Me: We use a tremendous amount of toxins on a daily basis that our livers simply cannot keep up with ridding them from our bodies. From cleaners to body lotions and soaps to makeup to hairspray to what we spray on our lawns...and the list goes on and on.
Our skin is a very thin, porous barrier and most of what we put on our skin goes directly into the bloodstream. Often the soaps, lotions, sprays, and potions we subject our bodies to are chemically-laden and are attributed to serious health conditions.
I've often heard it said that if you can't eat it, you shouldn't put it on your skin (or breathe it).
I am personally thankful there are eco-friendly products on the market that I love! Many are made with fantastic essential oils that not only feel nice on the body and smell beautiful...many have emotional benefits as well (for example, lavender and yang yang are relaxing to the spirit). I don't believe this is an accident...God knows exactly what he's doing when it comes to his creation :)
Benefits for the Environment: Chemicals we use on our bodies are washed down the drain and end up in rivers and streams. It's fair to say that what is harmful to us is going to be harmful to our environment...the switch to natural products will send messages to companies that if the demand for "greener" products increase, creating toxic products will decrease.
3. Volunteer
Benefits for Me: According to Beth Welbes from the University of Illinois Center for Prevention Research and Development, heath and social benefits of volunteering are as follows:
- Improved life satisfaction
- Improved self-esteem and self-efficacy
- Improved self-rated health status
- Improved educational/occupational achievement
- Solidarity and social interaction
- Dealing with own fears and apprehensions around a health issue (e.g. AIDs, cancer)
I would add that volunteering/serving helps to bring an inner peace as a whole.
Benefits for the Environment: When you give to others and react to others out of a giving spirit, others will respond to you in kind..."What comes around goes around." The result is a more peaceful society :)
If I were to add a forth category to this list it would be "Ride a Bike or Walk to Work." This is an excellent way to add exercise daily and decrease anxiety. I can see that if I were able to bike to and from work I would arrive at my destination refreshed mentally and rejuvenated physically and would enjoy the people around me so much more. And, the environmental benefits are huge, as it would reduce the amount of CO2 emissions into the air... But, living in the Midwest, I know this isn't always feasible. We can, however, look for other options, such as car-pooling, taking fewer trips to the store, and walk and ride our bikes when we can.This is NOT an exhaustive list, but it's a start for me to continue heading in a direction I believe God is leading me. I hope this inspires you to look for ways you too can live a "greener" lifestyle.
My decisions truly make a difference for everyone. When I make poor personal decisions, someone else will suffer for it and likewise, when I make positive personal choices others will reap the benefits.
Life isn't just about me...from the tiniest action to the monumental decisions in's essential I take in account everyone around family, friends, acquaintances, everyone!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Days 15 through 20!
I thought since all of us work very hard during the week, I would combine days 15-20 for you to pick and choose the days you'd like to share with us...those days which are especially meaningful to you.
I'm so thankful for each of you and for sharing this little piece of your life with this group! I feel a real sense of closeness with each of you.
Don't forget to read previous postings...they all are very special! Blessings to each of you as you travel along this road to health, healing, and wholeness.
This last week's postings were especially special for me to read! I have been deeply moved by all of your experiences. I, like many of you, am more mindful of my giving and more intuitive of the feelings and needs of others around me.
In the past...I have busied myself doing "life" and looking back in retrospect, I am certain I've missed intense needs around me. The life lessons I'm learning as a result of this challenge are monumental and will forever change the dynamics of all of my relationships!
Thank-you so much for joining me as we learn together what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus to others around us!
Blessings to each of you!
Lavender as a Weapon against Fungi
Other Uses for Lavender Oil
Make Your Body Less Hospitable to Fungus